Thursday, April 29, 2010

Skater boy

Brody got a pair of roller blades for Easter and so we tried them out for the first time the other day! He was so excited!
We bought him a Cars helmet and knee pads and he loves them!

And he's off! The skates have different levels so of course he was just on beginner which just allows him to walk in them. He did a really good job!

Cheesin' for a picture but this was pretty much the look on his face the whole time! Next skates!!! :)

Monday, April 26, 2010

In heaven...

My dad and his business partner just bought 40+acres of land and this past Sunday we went out to see it. I wasn't expecting to have much fun while there but, we sure did! There are huge rock piles and Brody was climbing them the whole time! Brandon was also playing around like a little kid. They were both in heaven all day, getting to spend time together just bein' boys!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Bye, bye Igloo! :(

Last Thursday was the last regular season game at the Mellon Arena. It was a little bittersweet, I'm sad to see an era come to an end but excited for the new arena too! My dad has had season tickets for 11 years now and we've had a lot of fun times there! We brought Brody so that we could tell him that he was at the last game at the Igloo. Now, on with the playoffs!!!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

A good deed...

My good friend Jenn just had 10 inches cut off of her hair today! She is donating it to Locks of Love for cancer patients. Her mother is a cancer survivor and I hope one day I can say the same about mine!!!