Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Like father, like son?

For the past 6 weeks, Brandon has taken Brody to swim class at the YMCA. We have been waiting for a time where Brandon would be able to take him so that they would be able do this together. Last summer we were planning on putting him into the Water Babies class but then the whole accident thing happened so we had to wait. He was too old (by 2 months) to be in that class this year so he had to be in with all of the big kids.

He was the youngest in his class, which was an hour long every Saturday morning. It started off pretty rough and Brandon was about to throw in the towel by the end of his second class. Brody cried and attacked Brandon the entire class! At the end of the class the head of the swim department came over and gave Brody detention, if you will. She made him stay after class, told him to stop crying and made him do everything they learned that day! He did it without crying and from then on things got better!

I didn't go to any classes for fear that he would cry for me the whole time. This past Saturday was their last class so I decided to go. It was so sweet to see the two of them bond in the pool and I know Brandon loved every second of it!

I hope Brody ends up like his dad (and uncles) and becomes a swimmer, but for now I think we'll just be happy that he doesn't scream every time he gets in the pool! (haha)

Here he is with his report card after class...I should have taken a picture of Brandon with it! Maybe I'll make Bran his own report card, I think he deserves an A+!