Friday, August 27, 2010


Brody's love for Yo Gabba Gabba has somewhat fizzled and now he has a new obsession, Toy Story! I think he's watched both of the Toy Story DVDs a thousand times and in June we took him to the movie theater for the first time to see Toy Story 3, which Brandon and I also enjoyed (I even cried!). I'm pretty sure he owns just about every Toy Story toy and loves each and every one of them. We can't go anywhere without taking Buzz or Woody, Jesse or Bullseye, Rex or Hamm...or all of the above!

He calls them his "buddies".

Monday, August 23, 2010

Movie buff

As of late, Brody has become quite the movie/t.v. fanatic. Along with his "oovie" he always wants popcorn of course! So every night he plops on the floor, in front of the t.v., in his Elmo chair and daddy makes him popcorn, in his own little popcorn bucket!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

White butt

My friend Anne came home this past weekend with her new baby. She had a nice picnic yesterday at her uncle's house because he has a nice big pool that the kids and adults could all enjoy. When it was time to go home I got Brody out of the pool and out of his wet clothes so, his little white bare bum was on display. Anne laughed and said "aww look at his little white butt!" Brody, apparently, didn't find it very funny because he turned and pointed his finger at her and very sternly said "no more look at time, that's IT!!!" Needless to say, Anne's jaw about hit the ground and we all laughed our white butt's off!

Friday, August 20, 2010

The other side

There is another side to my rambunctious little boy. He is the sweetest, most loving and caring little guy. He loves to snuggle and gives hugs and kisses all the time and I hear "I love you too, Mommy" a hundred times a day (which totally melts my heart everytime). Last night I went up to take a shower and came down in a new nightgown (nothing special just a nightgown.) Brody was running around like a wild man but when he saw me he stopped dead in his tracks and said "mommy, beautiful!" and came over and gave me the best hug! What a lovebug!

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Pirates, dinosaurs and superheros...
Running, jumping, fighting...
"Arghhh"ing, "roar"ing, "boom"ing and "pow"ing!

Just some of the things this boy is into these days!