Friday, August 20, 2010

The other side

There is another side to my rambunctious little boy. He is the sweetest, most loving and caring little guy. He loves to snuggle and gives hugs and kisses all the time and I hear "I love you too, Mommy" a hundred times a day (which totally melts my heart everytime). Last night I went up to take a shower and came down in a new nightgown (nothing special just a nightgown.) Brody was running around like a wild man but when he saw me he stopped dead in his tracks and said "mommy, beautiful!" and came over and gave me the best hug! What a lovebug!


  1. Awwwww, he is just that! Lovebug!
    Just makes my da when I see him.
    Love and kisses,

  2. Sorry, just makes mt day, not da!

  3. You and Brandon are wonderful parents. Brody is not only handsome; he is happy and loveable too!! Give him hugs and kisses from Nana & Pops.

  4. I love you Brody!
    I cannot wait to see you again.
    Your cuz,

  5. well......nightgown/negligee.......whatever.
