Saturday, November 7, 2009

Pay it forward

Tonight, one of the coolest things that I have ever had happen to me happened and it was especially nice with everything going on in our lives! Brandon, Brody and I went out to dinner and noticed when we first walked in a man sitting at the bar by himself, eating a salad. We noticed him, that's all, not even a hello exchanged. At the end of our meal our waitress told us that our bill (and tip) was already taken care of! My first thought was someone that we knew was sitting close by but to my shock and amazement it was the man at the bar who had paid for us! By that point he had already gone and I was in tears!!! I said to the waitress and bartender to please thank the man the next time he came in and they both said that they had never seen him before! So, with the holiday season fast approaching we have decided that it was an early visit from Santa, or simply just a small blessing from God! :) In light of this I am asking all of you to do something kind for a stranger, it might just change their life!


  1. God works in mysterious ways, let this be a lesson to all of you. There are still good people in this world! Love to all,

  2. That is truly amazing!


  3. Wow, such a mystery! I can't believe someone was that kind! Steph

  4. Awe..what a great story! *One of my most favorite movies!* Sometimes I think we all forget the meaning of the holidays. I will definately pay it forward!
    God Bless You!
