Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Well, here are the two new additions to our little family. Yes, there are TWO! Unbelievably, this was my non-cat loving husband's idea! Needless to say he is no longer a NON-cat lover. They arrived here yesterday and we've been lovin' them up ever since. They are super sweet and really cute as you can see. Brody was a little jealous at first but has slowly warmed up to them. The one in the back is the female and the one we originally chose three weeks ago, her name is Kiki (Brody named her!) The little guy in the front is a male and he was a last minute decision. He is really playful and loves to snack, just like Brandon, which is why I think we ended up getting him, they bonded haha! We are still trying to come up with a name for him so any thoughts you might have feel free to throw them out for us! So I say "Ugh" with the best and loving of intentions I guess, we shall see!!!


  1. They're so cute. Brad, Sarah, Grace, Nana & Pops are submitting names: Stitch, Tiki, Baron, Boots, Fuzz, The professor, Swiper, Hair Ball, Plex, Foofa, Big Ben, Troy, Hines, Lemieux, and Pluto. Can you tell we've been drinking rum runners! (Brent, Rosemary & Marielle are still at Disney--they'll submit suggestions later.)

  2. well hines was one of the names we threw around but we finally decided on RUDY! haha, short for rudolph...hope you're all having a ball!!!

  3. They are so cute! What great little additions

  4. name him brandon
    joanne wood
