Thursday, May 27, 2010

Another beautiful day...

Today Brandon and I are celebrating our 4th anniversary! I know 4 years already, it's crazy!! We have had many ups and downs in these past 4 years, mostly ups! We celebrated our 2nd annivesary with the birth of our son so our anniversary has kind of been brushed under the rug ever since, which is fine with me because Brody is the by far the best gift Brandon has ever given to me and what better way to celebrate your marriage!! We had perfect weather the day we were married and today was another beautiful day. Here's to many many more beautiful days, Bran! Love you lots!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Two years ago today at 10:29 a.m. my sweet baby boy was born. I can't believe it's been two years!!! I have loved every single second of these two years with him (well with exception of a few maybe)! He is really something, what a personality!

Brody is all boy, he loves Yo Gabba Gabba, he can spell his name, count to ten and say his ABC's. He loves people and has no fear what so ever! He makes me laugh at least 100 times a day and sometimes he makes me want to pull my hair out too. But mostly he makes me feel so lucky and so loved!!

Happy birthday bug, I am so blessed to be your Mommy!!! Love you tons!!!!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Tracy's Troopers

Over the weekend we participated in our first Relay for Life. I decided last minute to start a team for my mom and I'm so glad that I did!! The theme for this year's relay was sports so of course we did a hockey/Pens theme. "Put cancer on ice." We had the best t-shirts made and every person who came and walked for us got one. The weather was amazing and so were the people! I cannot express how grateful I am to those of you who not only donated but came to support our team and this cause! I am proud to say that we were able to raise $4,070 in the short time we had to raise money. What better way to honor my mom and all of those who have lost their battle and are still battling this awful disease! I am already looking forward to next year!!!