Monday, May 17, 2010

Tracy's Troopers

Over the weekend we participated in our first Relay for Life. I decided last minute to start a team for my mom and I'm so glad that I did!! The theme for this year's relay was sports so of course we did a hockey/Pens theme. "Put cancer on ice." We had the best t-shirts made and every person who came and walked for us got one. The weather was amazing and so were the people! I cannot express how grateful I am to those of you who not only donated but came to support our team and this cause! I am proud to say that we were able to raise $4,070 in the short time we had to raise money. What better way to honor my mom and all of those who have lost their battle and are still battling this awful disease! I am already looking forward to next year!!!


  1. Nice Work! That is Awesome!
    Lots of love,
    Uncle Brent, Aunt Rosemary and Marielle

  2. I know how hard it is to raise money. You did a fantastic job. Way to go! Love, Nana & Pops

  3. You did a wonderful job Lori! The relay was so much fun. Those that came said it was a real eye opener for them, to see how many lives were affected by this terrible disease. I can't thank you and all who spent countless hours walking. Let's put cancer on ice again next year, or pray for the cure sooner. Love to all! Mimi
