Tuesday, June 29, 2010

"Happier" birthday Brandon!!!

Last year Brandon's birthday was not a happy one, to say the least! This year we are determined to make it as happy as possible! And so far so good! Happy birthday Brandon, we love you so much! 32!!!! Woo.... ;)

Friday, June 18, 2010

One year ago...

One year ago I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off wondering if my beautiful son would ever be the same. One year ago we didn't know how or if we would ever be able to get over this. One year ago, if you asked me to think ahead one year and describe what I thought Brody would look like, I would've never described this gorgeous little man in this picture! One year ago I prayed that God would heal my precious baby and we are so grateful that He has!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Day at the Museum

Today was sort of a yucky day so, Brandon and I decided to take Brod to the Carnegie Museum of Natural History in Pittsburgh. Lately, Brody has been really into dinosaurs so we thought he would really enjoy it there! We were right! Not only did he enjoy it but, Brandon and I did too! Here are some pictures of our day, excuse the quality they were all taken on our cell phones!

He really wanted to get into the giraffe exhibit, I think he wanted to bring one home for his cousin, Marielle! ;)

And the dinosaurs...we were all in amazement of the size of these things! Even though Brandon and I have both seen this all before, it's one of those things you never quite get used to seeing!
I kept imagining them coming to life at night like in that movie, whoo that would be scary!!!

My personal favorite, Stegosaurus.

They have a little bone digging thing for kids where they get to wear goggles and use special tools to uncover dinosaur bones. Brandon and Brody both enjoyed this little activity!!!

My little bone diggers hard at play!! Such a fun day!!