Friday, June 18, 2010

One year ago...

One year ago I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off wondering if my beautiful son would ever be the same. One year ago we didn't know how or if we would ever be able to get over this. One year ago, if you asked me to think ahead one year and describe what I thought Brody would look like, I would've never described this gorgeous little man in this picture! One year ago I prayed that God would heal my precious baby and we are so grateful that He has!


  1. I am a puddle right now. Big hugs to Brody today - and his mommy and daddy. He is beautiful. As is this post. All our love.

  2. The power of prayer is much greater than we can all imagine, howerver we have seen his wonderous works by the healing of our darling Brody. We thank God everyday for all he has done! You're a trooper Brody and Mimi and Poppy love you soooo much. (Love you more!)

  3. Brody you are such a handsome young man! We thank God every day for your miraculous recovery. We love you lots and lots. Love, Nana and Pops

  4. What a Beautiful picture and message!
    We are so grateful for his Health and Amazing recovery.
    Wishing you a Fantastic Father's Day Brandon.
    All our Love,
    Uncle Brent, Aunt Rosemary and Marielle

  5. Those prayers worked! He looks fabulous and what a gorgeous smile he has
