Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Cheesin' to the max!

My Aunt Vicki bought Brody this hat and my mom found the outfit so, they both insisted that I get an Easter picture taken. I am never crazy about these "posey" professional pictures but, they are quick and fine for holiday pics I guess! I'm going to post some of the cuter pictures now...he did a really good job this time except you can literally almost hear him saying "cheese" in them. You'll see what I mean, take a look!


My mom has a picture of Zach almost exactly like this one with the sailboat.





"Cheese." You get the point haha!

This may be the only one he wasn't cheesin' for, in fact, he started crying during the last shot. I think he was just over it! I probably like this one the most though!

*** If you want a specific picture let me know which one you want and I'll try to get it to you!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Mid-life crisis?

Tonight, my dad and I got tattoos!!! It started out that I was just going along with him to get his done and by the end of his I decided to get one too! I know, I'm as surprised as you probably all are reading this, haha!

My dad got the King of Diamonds playing card with a four leaf clover in the middle. It's very nice and he was a real trooper while getting it done, which is probably why I decided to get one too!

I decided to get a ladybug, it's small, cute and feminine! This one represents Brody and if I have anymore babies I will add more ladybugs! The pain was nothing I ever imagined it would be...much less, and probably because it only took literally 3 minutes! Haha!

Brody is obsessed with "tats" ever since Brandon got one. He was telling me all day today that his Gabbas had "tats". So, he was thrilled when Poppy and I came in and showed off our new ink ! I told him that was my little "Brody bug". Maybe there will be a brother or sister bug in the I'm not pregnant, haha!

Monday, March 22, 2010

A little taste...

This past Sunday we had fantastic weather and we took full advantage of it! After a day full of playing outside and cooking on the grill we decided to go to our favorite ice cream shop for a little more taste of summer!!!

I personally think they should use this picture as an advertisement...but then again I'm a little biased! ;)

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

A bit of GREEN!!!

This morning Brody was surprised to find little green footprints through the kitchen.

They climbed up the island...

and led us to a little treat and note for him from a leprechaun!!

He was so excited!

Over the weekend we celebrated St. Patty's Day with the Wilson clan. We had a really nice time and the kids had a blast together!

Happy St. Patrick's Day! May the luck of the Irish be with you today and always! ;)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Good news! :)

My mom finally got the results of her scans today and by looking at this picture, I'm sure you can tell it was good news!!! The doctor said the chemo did exactly what they wanted it to do and the tumors have decreased, remarkably, in size!!!

Her doctor spoke with the Pittsburgh oncologists and decided to have her on a new medicine that's out. She'll get it every 3's what they call maintenance therapy. It won't be so bad this time because it'll only be 15 minutes long compared to the 8 hours she was used to!

My parents both said that the doctor was especially positive and happy today, I can only imagine how much easier that makes his job, to be able to deliver good news! So tonight we celebrated by going out to her favorite restaurant and she got to enjoy a margarita for the first time in a while!!!

We are all thrilled to hear this news but are looking forward to the day where we hear that she is cancer free!! Keep those prayers comin', they are definitely being answered!!