Monday, March 29, 2010

Mid-life crisis?

Tonight, my dad and I got tattoos!!! It started out that I was just going along with him to get his done and by the end of his I decided to get one too! I know, I'm as surprised as you probably all are reading this, haha!

My dad got the King of Diamonds playing card with a four leaf clover in the middle. It's very nice and he was a real trooper while getting it done, which is probably why I decided to get one too!

I decided to get a ladybug, it's small, cute and feminine! This one represents Brody and if I have anymore babies I will add more ladybugs! The pain was nothing I ever imagined it would be...much less, and probably because it only took literally 3 minutes! Haha!

Brody is obsessed with "tats" ever since Brandon got one. He was telling me all day today that his Gabbas had "tats". So, he was thrilled when Poppy and I came in and showed off our new ink ! I told him that was my little "Brody bug". Maybe there will be a brother or sister bug in the I'm not pregnant, haha!


  1. i like it.....its cute and little.....

    i like how he did your dads looks nice......

    i think i decided on my coverup.....the biggest one i sent you with the blue.....

  2. plus.....justin has such a "light" touch....hahhaha

  3. Love the ladybug and your dad's looks great too
