Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Cheesin' to the max!

My Aunt Vicki bought Brody this hat and my mom found the outfit so, they both insisted that I get an Easter picture taken. I am never crazy about these "posey" professional pictures but, they are quick and fine for holiday pics I guess! I'm going to post some of the cuter pictures now...he did a really good job this time except you can literally almost hear him saying "cheese" in them. You'll see what I mean, take a look!


My mom has a picture of Zach almost exactly like this one with the sailboat.





"Cheese." You get the point haha!

This may be the only one he wasn't cheesin' for, in fact, he started crying during the last shot. I think he was just over it! I probably like this one the most though!

*** If you want a specific picture let me know which one you want and I'll try to get it to you!


  1. I love your pictures! We Love that Cheeser!
    xoxo Marielle

  2. Us too! ADORABLE! (And I'm sticking by my comment that I have the cutest neices and nephews EVER) xoxo

  3. What a cutie! Love, Nana & Pops

  4. Great pics. He is seriously too adorable :)

  5. Just loved the Easter pictures of Brody...simply the most adorable "Sailor Boy" ever.
    Love you,
    Aunt Gik
