Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Good news! :)

My mom finally got the results of her scans today and by looking at this picture, I'm sure you can tell it was good news!!! The doctor said the chemo did exactly what they wanted it to do and the tumors have decreased, remarkably, in size!!!

Her doctor spoke with the Pittsburgh oncologists and decided to have her on a new medicine that's out. She'll get it every 3 weeks...it's what they call maintenance therapy. It won't be so bad this time because it'll only be 15 minutes long compared to the 8 hours she was used to!

My parents both said that the doctor was especially positive and happy today, I can only imagine how much easier that makes his job, to be able to deliver good news! So tonight we celebrated by going out to her favorite restaurant and she got to enjoy a margarita for the first time in a while!!!

We are all thrilled to hear this news but are looking forward to the day where we hear that she is cancer free!! Keep those prayers comin', they are definitely being answered!!


  1. Woo-hoo! That is so wonderful to hear. Hugs and kisses to your mom for us. See you soon. xoxo

  2. So happy to hear the news. The prayers will continue.
    "I love the picture of Bro Bro and his Mimi!" Love, Marielle, Brent and Rosemary

  3. YAY! That is such great news. I am so happy for your mom and the rest of the family. I am glad she got to enjoy a margarita. She deserved it f:)

  4. Love the picture! Mimi and Brody both look so happy! So glad to hear the good news! We will keep the prayers coming! Love, Steph

  5. That's FANTASTIC news! We will surely keep up the prayers. What a great picture! Love, Nana & Pops

  6. What GREAT news, Lori!!! I am so excited for your family...it almost brought tears to my eyes!! I am so happy for you!! I will continue to pray~
