Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The 4th on the "beach"

We had a very nice 4th of July weekend. My parents had a little picnic on Sunday. It was full of patriotic songs, red, white and blue attire, drinking, dancing and "ducks", hahahaha!!!

My cousin Alyssa and Brody have always had a special bond really ever since I was pregnant with him! I remember a time right around the time I started feeling his little kicks and Alyssa went up to my belly and said "hi Brody, I'm your favorite cousin Alyssa!" He started kicking like crazy and she got to feel it! It was so cute (although I think it kinda creeped Lyss out a bit at first, haha!) So when he was born they connected almost immediately! She loves him and he just adores her! That's his "Yiss".

This is Alyssa's big sister Steph, I love this picture! I think it's so sweet the bonds that are being made between Brody and my two cousins. Both Steph and Lyss have spent tons of time with Brandon and I growing up and we loved every second of it. Now they are growing up which makes me sad but at the same time it's nice to see Brody spend time with them now like they did with us for so many years!

Family picture time, but who can resist that background!!!

We love the "beach"! There's always something to entertain Brody there and everybody really!

Happy Independence Day!!!


  1. Happy fourth...happy summer! Look at Brody's blond locks! Hugs and kisses to him...and you. xoxo

  2. Love all the pictures. Everyone of them are adorable!
    Love to all of you,
