Friday, July 2, 2010

Those summer nights...

We are thoroughly enjoying this summer so far, especially the evenings. I love summer nights because all of the normal schedules are kind of thrown out the window like bathtime, bedtime and even dinner time! Everyone just moves at their own pace! So this is what we've been doing in place of the "norm"...

We've taken in a baseball game or two,

our meals have been fresh, grilled and yummy, almost every night!

we've enjoyed a few bonfires on the beach! (or my parent's house, ha!)

This summer we got season passes to the community pool and they have a couple night swims a month, so we take full advantage!

(notice the filth on my son's face and shirt, haha!!)

And last, but certainly not least, a favorite pastime of mine and others here in Pennsylvania...catching lightning bugs!!! I think it is going to be one of Brody's too because every morning when he wakes up he points to his little bug cage and says "fireflies?!" He doesn't get this too is a nighttime activity!

Hope you are all enjoying your summer nights as much as we are!


  1. He is Adorable! Love all the pics, especially eating the corn.
    Aunt Rosemary

  2. I love all the pictures of the doll baby!
    He certainly is all boy and loves to play.
    Keep exploring Brody!

  3. What great pictures. I love the one of Brody at home plate. Looks like he's celebrating a home run. Love, Nana
