Saturday, July 10, 2010

Brody singing ABCs

First off, I apologize for the quality of this video, it was taken on my cell phone!

This is one of the sweetest things I have been able to film of Brody since he was a baby! Every time I get the camera or cell phone out now to record him doing cute things he stops, of course... toddlers! My favorite part is "H, I, J, K, apple, P!" Also, you might notice at the end that he had an audience, his Toy Story toys (new obsession). He's so stinkin' funny! (and cute I might add!) ;)


  1. LOVE IT!
    Apple P is too sweet!
    Marielle watched and said "Bro Bro is too cute!"
    Aunt Rosemary

  2. good job brody.
    Joanne E. Wood
