Friday, March 11, 2011

Good question!

Brody: "My gonna be a big brudder?
Me: "Yep!"
Brody: "We gonna have a little baby?"
Me: "Yep."
Brody: "Soon?"
Me: "Yeah."
Brody: "What are we gonna do with Daddy?"

Photo taken at 22 weeks pregnant.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Much better...

We took Brody to see Santa this past Saturday. I wasn't sure what the outcome would be since last year he screamed and when we took him to see the Easter Bunny, he screamed. I would've never expected that he'd do as well as he did though! There was a long line as you can imagine on a Saturday afternoon! He was so excited the whole time and when it was his turn to go see the "big guy" my big guy marched right up and jumped on Santa's lap!!! They were snuggling and whispering like they were old buddies, it was so cute!! Brody even gave Santa his famous wish list...a football and Spiderman. I was so proud of him but it was yet another reminder that my baby is growing up! :(

Monday, November 22, 2010

This and that...

We've been super busy all month. Between anniversaries, weddings, birthdays and now Thanksgiving, we have had something going on every weekend! This week we have had our share of birthdays! Starting with my cousin on the 17th, my sister in law, Rosemary on the 18th, my Grandma on the 19th, another cousin on the 20th, my niece Marielle on the 21st and now mine today, I think it's safe to say I don't want to see another piece of cake for a while!!! ;)

So this year I decided not to take Brody to have his Christmas pictures taken. I thought I'd save a little money and just take some myself and I'm pretty happy with the turnout. We took him outside yesterday and just let him play around in the backyard since it was actually nice out. I took a ton of pictures so here is a sneak peak of them! I didn't post the actual shot I used for our Christmas card so, you'll all be surprised when you get it! Needless to say, I had a super hard time choosing which to use!

I'll leave you with one of the many hysterical comments that come out of this little monkey's mouth!

We were going to my Grandma's to celebrate her birthday and I put a cute coat and a little knit pumpkin hat on him. I told him he looked so cute and Brandon said the same, Brody looked at his Dad and said dead serious, "Daddy, my look 'diculous" Yep, my two year old said that he looked ridiculous! Ugh, I certainly have my hands full with this one!

Happy Thanksgiving to all! We have so much to be thankful for this year! :)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Madeline and Dan's Wedding

This past Saturday, my best friend got married and Brandon, Brody and I were all in the wedding! They could not have had a more perfect day! Brody did pretty well walking down the aisle, although, he walked with me instead of Hannah which ended up being OK. He held my hand and marched down like an old pro, smiling at the guests in the pews and looking handsome as can be! Here are a few pictures from the big day.

Here is the happy couple after they got hitched, probably both breathing a sigh of relief that it was finally over and now it was time to party!

And the happy family striking a pose during the photo session at Blue Spruce Park. I got a peek of the proofs from their professional photographer, who just so happens to be the same photographer we had. They are all gorgeous!!

Finally a few of my favorites of Brody from the day. During photos this little dude got restless and wanted to run and play in the leaves and the dirt and the rocks and get in the pictures of just the bride and groom! We obviously wouldn't let him so he went into this gazebo and pouted for a little while, which clearly was an awesome photo op for me!

(I was playing around with this picture with Picasa)

Dan and Madeline, we are so happy for you and were so honored to be apart of of your special day! May you have a lifetime of happy endings! ;)

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Wednesday, October 27, 2010


My back hurts, I have a sinus infection, I'm tired and have pretty much been a single parent for the past 5 weeks with Brandon working out of town. I feel like Rudy looks in this picture! At least Brandon is home for a nightly visit so I think I'll take a nice long bath!
About the photo-Brody was napping in his new big boy room (pictures to come) and I walked in to see both cats sleeping next to him on his bed. I went to grab my camera and noticed Rudy's face. Haha...he sat like this for a good 20 minutes!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Yo Gabba Gabba Live

Last Thursday we went to Pittsburgh to see Yo Gabba Gabba Live. It was fantastic! I used to say if they ever did a live show I didn't care what the cost, we were taking Brod. We decided to get VIP tickets because you were guaranteed good seats and you got a Meet and Greet with the characters, among other things, after the show. Boy, were we glad we did! Our seats were mid stage two rows back and the Meet and Greet was priceless! I kept saying that Brody waited his whole life for this and then I thought about it and he literally has!!!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Like father, like son?

For the past 6 weeks, Brandon has taken Brody to swim class at the YMCA. We have been waiting for a time where Brandon would be able to take him so that they would be able do this together. Last summer we were planning on putting him into the Water Babies class but then the whole accident thing happened so we had to wait. He was too old (by 2 months) to be in that class this year so he had to be in with all of the big kids.

He was the youngest in his class, which was an hour long every Saturday morning. It started off pretty rough and Brandon was about to throw in the towel by the end of his second class. Brody cried and attacked Brandon the entire class! At the end of the class the head of the swim department came over and gave Brody detention, if you will. She made him stay after class, told him to stop crying and made him do everything they learned that day! He did it without crying and from then on things got better!

I didn't go to any classes for fear that he would cry for me the whole time. This past Saturday was their last class so I decided to go. It was so sweet to see the two of them bond in the pool and I know Brandon loved every second of it!

I hope Brody ends up like his dad (and uncles) and becomes a swimmer, but for now I think we'll just be happy that he doesn't scream every time he gets in the pool! (haha)

Here he is with his report card after class...I should have taken a picture of Brandon with it! Maybe I'll make Bran his own report card, I think he deserves an A+!