Wednesday, September 30, 2009


First off, I would like to thank Aunt Sarah, Uncle Brad and the girls for this awesome gift! It serves as so many things...stool, puzzle, it helps him learn colors and his name. Brody will literally sit for, well minutes, playing with it! He can finally get the pieces in where they belong and is starting to recognize the letters!!!
The "r" is his favorite!

It's so cute,when he doesn't get one in quite right he'll say, "noooooo".

Finally, when he's done he'll sit on it or stand on it or just carry it somewhere else. (Of course he had to pose for me!)

Monday, September 28, 2009

Where's Brody???

I've talked about Brody's favorite show before, Yo Gabba Gabba. If you've ever seen it you probably thought what I thought at first..."this show is creepy" but, after you've seen every episode about 1,000 times it kinda grows on ya! I can recite just about every word to every episode and if Brody could talk (enough to fully understand him) he would too! Those are the characters he is holding in this picture. He loves them! I can honestly say that I owe alot to this show because if not for it, I would not get that half hour of peace a day!!!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Another "first"...

I gave Brody a juice box for the first time the other day. He loved it!
He does a pretty good job drinking it, every now and then he'll squeeze the box, pull the straw out or dump the whole thing upside down but, overall he does pretty well!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Finally, some good news!

So, last week my mom had her first appointment with her oncologist, we thought we would be getting her chemo/radiation schedule then and were anxious to get it all started! Much to our dismay she was told that she would need a PET scan to be sure the cancer did not spread to her bones or anywhere else. While I stayed very positive, I couldn't help but to be a bit annoyed and scared, "why can't this be over with?" "why didn't they do this test in Pittsburgh when we found out about the other spots of cancer?!" It was just another bump in the road which of course we know we were and are in for. So as we anxiously and nervously awaited this scan which was this past Monday we had to wait some more to get the results today. Yet again we have been blessed and the power of prayer has come through again!!! The scan was clear!!!!!

Now she will be going to Pittsburgh within the next week or so to get the radiation to the spot of her brain where the tumor was removed and that will be it, as far as the brain goes. Then she will start a pretty hardcore dose of radiation and chemo to her lung. She will have radiation every day (approx. 10-15 min. long) for possibly 2 weeks and chemo once a week for 5 weeks. After this treatment she will get yet another scan and if it looks like the treatment worked and was shrinking the tumor they will do a milder dose of chemo until it is gone!

We appreciate everyone's continued love, support and prayers....keep it up!

God is good!
P.s....Mom, don't kill me for this picture haha, I couldn't resist!!! ;)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Monday, September 14, 2009

The Playground

On nights like these we like to take a walk over to the elementary school by our house and let Brody play on their playground.

One day Brody will attend the school behind him. It is called Horace Mann Elementary. It is also where my brother went!!

He wanted to be a big boy and swing by himself!

And slide by himself!

I made sure Daddy assisted him across the little bridge although, he would've gone all by himself if we let him!!!

Ahhh, time to leave! It's always a joy!

Poor little dude! :( It breaks my heart but it was almost bath time so we had to go!!! I honestly think he would stay there all night long!!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Here we go!!!!

Well, the Steelers have officially kicked off their season! Woo hoo!!! And what a start, phew!!! We enjoyed some fall weather and off course some black and gold attire!

Brody can finally sit in his recliner that Mimi and Poppy bought him for Christmas last year. He was so funny...he looked like a big man sittin' there watching the game!!!
Took a time out to "cheeeese" for mommy!

Oh boy am I gonna have my hands full with this one! What can I say, he is his father's son! ;)

And Uncle Zach thought it was hilarious of course!!!
P.S...they were empty!

That's better!

Chillin' with Poppy watching some football (my dad is in heaven)!

I needed a cold one after that game too buddy! Haha...oh well a win's a win! we'll take it!
Go Steelers!!!!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Finger painting???

Today I decided to let Brody do some finger painting! Well I hoped he would do some finger painting but about 30 seconds into it he was done and ran off to play somewhere else, of course covered in paint. I didn't mind because we did it outside so I wouldn't have the mess inside!!! ;) I invited my parents over to watch my little artist at work!

I kept trying to get him to do a handprint but he just kept making fists, this was the only one I managed to get out of him!


A little war paint!

Mimi had war paint on too. (Yes, my mother just had brain surgery 2 days ago!!!!)

And of course Poppy had to have some war paint as well.

My little monkey climbed up on this chair, it's his favorite thing to do these days! Lookout!

One shoe on, one shoe off! He's so proud of himself. He cracks me up, he now says "cheeeese" when I take his picture!!!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

What cancer cannot do...

My mom bought us all these bracelets that say,

What Cancer Cannot Do.....

  • corrode faith

  • shatter hope

  • destroy peace

  • silence courage

  • invade the soul

  • steal eternal life

  • conquer the spirit

  • cripple love

  • kill friendship

  • suppress memories

I would like to add my own....

  • TAKE MY MOM!!!!!!

I love you mom, you kicked butt today! I have no doubt you are going to be ok.

God is good...all the time. :)