Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Finally, some good news!

So, last week my mom had her first appointment with her oncologist, we thought we would be getting her chemo/radiation schedule then and were anxious to get it all started! Much to our dismay she was told that she would need a PET scan to be sure the cancer did not spread to her bones or anywhere else. While I stayed very positive, I couldn't help but to be a bit annoyed and scared, "why can't this be over with?" "why didn't they do this test in Pittsburgh when we found out about the other spots of cancer?!" It was just another bump in the road which of course we know we were and are in for. So as we anxiously and nervously awaited this scan which was this past Monday we had to wait some more to get the results today. Yet again we have been blessed and the power of prayer has come through again!!! The scan was clear!!!!!

Now she will be going to Pittsburgh within the next week or so to get the radiation to the spot of her brain where the tumor was removed and that will be it, as far as the brain goes. Then she will start a pretty hardcore dose of radiation and chemo to her lung. She will have radiation every day (approx. 10-15 min. long) for possibly 2 weeks and chemo once a week for 5 weeks. After this treatment she will get yet another scan and if it looks like the treatment worked and was shrinking the tumor they will do a milder dose of chemo until it is gone!

We appreciate everyone's continued love, support and prayers....keep it up!

God is good!
P.s....Mom, don't kill me for this picture haha, I couldn't resist!!! ;)


  1. God is good, all day everyday! We are truly blessed. You have all been wonderful and I know it's been a hard time for you too. Can't thank you enough for all your positive support. I love all of you! Gotta keep pushing ahead.

  2. Wow - that is great news. Thanks for the update, Lori. Love you guys,

    Brad and Sarah

  3. Fantastic News! Thanks for sharing.
    The prayers will keep coming.
    Lots of love,
    Brent, Rosemary and Marielle

  4. Lori, Will she be at the Hillman Center? Thats where my dad did some of chemo in pittsburgh (and some in Indiana) and his stem cell there and they are great. My dad loved the people there and tells everyone (before he tells them how good they are) how awesome the food is. If thats where she is going, you can rest assured she is in excellent hands and in the best hands possible! The people in Indiana are good too, but I am not sure their food is (my dad didnt review their food selection)!
    Lisa S.

  5. I love the picture! Your mom looks hot! Its so good to hear that the cancer hasn't spread anywhere else! I'll be praying for your mom to get through all her chemo and radiation treatments. Hopefully we'll be hearing some more good news from you soon. Love you guys, Steph

  6. Lori-You put a smile on our faces with that update! We'll keep the prayers coming. That photo made me think of the saying "a picture is worth a 1,000 words." That was a perfect photo. Yahoo!!! Love you, Nana and Pops

  7. LOVE the picture. I think it was absolutely the best picture you could have chose. I am so happy that you guys had some good news. Congrats to your mama.


  8. Go Tracy! I LOVE THIS PICTURE--good choice lori! I'm so happy to hear all the great news! You are all in my prayers and positive thoughts daily!

    Love you all!
