Monday, September 14, 2009

The Playground

On nights like these we like to take a walk over to the elementary school by our house and let Brody play on their playground.

One day Brody will attend the school behind him. It is called Horace Mann Elementary. It is also where my brother went!!

He wanted to be a big boy and swing by himself!

And slide by himself!

I made sure Daddy assisted him across the little bridge although, he would've gone all by himself if we let him!!!

Ahhh, time to leave! It's always a joy!

Poor little dude! :( It breaks my heart but it was almost bath time so we had to go!!! I honestly think he would stay there all night long!!


  1. He is such a boy!!! It just makes me laugh when I see pictures like these. However, I've seen the fits he throws too!
    Love you all,

  2. Aw he was having a great time. Don't feel bad though Aidan throws fits like that when we try to take him upstairs (out of the playroom) lol

  3. Oh boy! He takes after his daddy. We love to see him laughing and enjoying the outdoors. He is such a cutie. Love, Nana
