Thursday, October 29, 2009

The king of OUR jungle!

I thought I'd post some pictures of my little lion before Halloween. He is so funny in this costume its like he doesn't even know it's on, like it's totally normal! I taught him to say "ROAR" and so now anytime we talk about his costume he's like "ROOOAAARRR!" Too funny!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

"Bro Bro"

Brody's cousin, Marielle, has called him "Bro Bro" since he was born (mainly because she was only 19 months old and she couldn't say Brody)! :) Anyway, the nickname has stuck and now the whole Wilson clan calls him that, I love it and I hope they continue to call him that throughout his life!! These p.j.'s were a gift from Uncle Brent, Aunt Rosemary and Marielle...aren't they adorable?!! Brody calls himself "Bro Bro" too, because he can't say Brody, he has yet to master "Marielle" and I am anxious to hear what he'll end up calling her! His other two cousins are "Ha Ha" and "Dace" or Lila and Grace which ever you prefer! ;)

Sunday, October 18, 2009

"Fall"ing ill...

So far this fall has not been good to Brody! He has had the stomach flu, a cold and starting this past Tuesday he had a fever for 3 days straight! We took him to the E.R. Tuesday night because he had never had a fever as high as it was (almost 103)! After waiting almost 3 hours they told us it was "just a virus" and sent us home with nothing! The next day was worse so I called his doctor Thursday morning and they called in a prescription of Amoxil for him, thank God! Ever since he has been doing really well! Hopefully we are done with sickness for a while!!!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Salsa bueno!

Yes, this is my 1 year old son dipping his Goldfish crackers in our favorite restaurant's salsa! He loves it which I find amazing considering he can be a pretty picky eater at times! I can't say I blame him, it is so good!! I often say that I, myself, could eat it every day, along with their delicious cheese dip which he likes as well!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

A true Irishman!

Sorry Nana, your baby boy got a tattoo today!!! You may actually be proud of what he got though, haha! This is a picture of him after 2.5 hours of pain drinking a Guinness.

It's a Celtic cross and it is really nice but really big!!!

Brody just doesn't get it...he points at it and laughs!

He said anyone who says it doesn't hurt is full of it so I'm pretty confident that this will be his one and only tattoo!

Friday, October 2, 2009

My perfect little sleeping angel

It is moments like these when I want to just scoop him up and squeeze him! He just looks like a little angel when he sleeps, I emphasize when because he is not, and never really has been a good sleeper!
Yesterday morning he woke up sick, he kept gagging like he was going to throw up so I rushed him out of bed where he proceded to throw up all over me, (oh the joys of motherhood!) He was completely green and refused anything to drink so I knew it wasn't an isolated thing! After a couple more "incidents", he fell asleep and took a nice long nap and when he woke up he was like a different kid! While his cheeks were a little flushed and his eyes had that "sick" look to them, he was playing and acting as wild as ever!
So last night he slept in his own bed all night, woo hoo! It was nice to finally get some good sleep without my child rolling all over me, although when I put him in his crib I couldn't help but to get a little aching in my heart. Is it bad that I miss him when he is sleeping even though I complain that he never sleeps?!
On a side note I just want to point out his diminishing scars! It is crazy how much he has healed, once again...God is good!