Friday, October 2, 2009

My perfect little sleeping angel

It is moments like these when I want to just scoop him up and squeeze him! He just looks like a little angel when he sleeps, I emphasize when because he is not, and never really has been a good sleeper!
Yesterday morning he woke up sick, he kept gagging like he was going to throw up so I rushed him out of bed where he proceded to throw up all over me, (oh the joys of motherhood!) He was completely green and refused anything to drink so I knew it wasn't an isolated thing! After a couple more "incidents", he fell asleep and took a nice long nap and when he woke up he was like a different kid! While his cheeks were a little flushed and his eyes had that "sick" look to them, he was playing and acting as wild as ever!
So last night he slept in his own bed all night, woo hoo! It was nice to finally get some good sleep without my child rolling all over me, although when I put him in his crib I couldn't help but to get a little aching in my heart. Is it bad that I miss him when he is sleeping even though I complain that he never sleeps?!
On a side note I just want to point out his diminishing scars! It is crazy how much he has healed, once again...God is good!


  1. Beautiful picture and post. I can't wait to scoop him up myself in a couple months. xo

  2. He is so precious! Give him lots of hugs and kisses from Nana and Pops when he wakes up. Hope he feels better soon.

  3. I wuv you Bro Bro, hope you are feeling better!

  4. I've been through the same thing when Tanner was sick. It seems like they don't stay sick as long as us. Glad he's feeling better already. I do the same thing with Tanner, don't want him to wake up through the night but secretly like sleeping close to him at night. I always wonder why he should be alone but mommy and daddy can sleep together. I like to see him safe beside me when I wake up. Brody looks amazing! I can't wait to see him tomorrow! Love, Steph

  5. You don't need to feel guilty, you're a wonderful mom and dad...he's just spoiled! But that's ok too! Give him kisses from Mimi and Poppy let him know we love him.

  6. God is good, all day, everyday.
