Wednesday, October 7, 2009

A true Irishman!

Sorry Nana, your baby boy got a tattoo today!!! You may actually be proud of what he got though, haha! This is a picture of him after 2.5 hours of pain drinking a Guinness.

It's a Celtic cross and it is really nice but really big!!!

Brody just doesn't get it...he points at it and laughs!

He said anyone who says it doesn't hurt is full of it so I'm pretty confident that this will be his one and only tattoo!


  1. Brody--I'm with you on this one! Love, Nana

  2. it's a nice tattoo....i bet it hurt.

  3. I have a tattoo in the same place and I can honestly say it didn't hurt lol I do like it though. Chris would be super jealous as he is about as irish as they come lol

  4. well i can explain that christy...MEN ARE BABIES!!! hahaha!

  5. Wow, can't believe Brandon got a tattoo now and not in his frat days. Is this a midlife crisis? HaHa, just kidding Brandon, the tattoo looks nice. Love, Steph

  6. Wow...for a first tatoo, brandon really went for it, didnt he?! haha I like it..and it does hurt, but after the pain goes away...they are addicting. Before you know it he'll be looking like a biker and wanting a motorcycle! haha Good choice though..very meaningful...i have a dragonfly---what a meaningful one that was! haha

  7. What the hell were you thinking? I do love it, but it's biggggggg.
