Thursday, October 22, 2009

"Bro Bro"

Brody's cousin, Marielle, has called him "Bro Bro" since he was born (mainly because she was only 19 months old and she couldn't say Brody)! :) Anyway, the nickname has stuck and now the whole Wilson clan calls him that, I love it and I hope they continue to call him that throughout his life!! These p.j.'s were a gift from Uncle Brent, Aunt Rosemary and Marielle...aren't they adorable?!! Brody calls himself "Bro Bro" too, because he can't say Brody, he has yet to master "Marielle" and I am anxious to hear what he'll end up calling her! His other two cousins are "Ha Ha" and "Dace" or Lila and Grace which ever you prefer! ;)


  1. Those are ADORABLE...but I think that cute little bum has something to do with it. Nice work Aunt Rosemary. Ha-ha and Dace say hello. xoxo

  2. That is too cute. From the sounds of it the nickname is a keeper :)

  3. LOVE IT! He looks SO cute in those!
    Marielle walked into the room and looked at the computer screen and Yelled "BRO BRO!" I was cracking up! Have a great weekend!

  4. That picture is priceless and i love those jammies! It looks like he's skipping! haha Love you Bro Bro

  5. Bro Bro you make me smile everytime I look at this picture, and I look at it several times a day waiting for the next post! I'm obsessed! Love you, Nana
