Sunday, October 18, 2009

"Fall"ing ill...

So far this fall has not been good to Brody! He has had the stomach flu, a cold and starting this past Tuesday he had a fever for 3 days straight! We took him to the E.R. Tuesday night because he had never had a fever as high as it was (almost 103)! After waiting almost 3 hours they told us it was "just a virus" and sent us home with nothing! The next day was worse so I called his doctor Thursday morning and they called in a prescription of Amoxil for him, thank God! Ever since he has been doing really well! Hopefully we are done with sickness for a while!!!


  1. I hope and pray that Brody and Mimi are both on the mend! The worst part is Mimi can't be around Brody when he's sick, and that's terrible!! I miss him when I don't get to see him! Let's get well Brod!!! Love you bunches.

  2. Thinking of you! Glad to hear Brody is feeling better. Sending lots of love and hugs his way!
    Uncle Brent, Aunt Rosemary and Marielle

  3. I am happy he is starting to feel better. The flu had ahold of us for well over a week. Ugh!

  4. Brody-We love the hat! Sure glad you're feeling better. We love you lots, Nana & Pops

  5. Knock on wood, Tanner and I haven't got it yet but my sister Ashley had the same thing. She had a fever for 2 days and cold symptoms and went to the doctor and they said it was a virus and gave her an antibiotic too. Glad that the medicine is working and Brody's feeling better. I hate when Tanner's sick so I know that must have been terrible for you. Love, Steph

  6. i think it's due to vaccines.....ahhahhahahah

  7. There is nothing more sad then a sick baby. Hope he is feeling better. xoxo
