Thursday, January 28, 2010

Boys will be boys!!

Yesterday, my girlfriend Steph and her son Tanner came over for a little play date! The boys are exactly 17 days apart. This was their first official play date, I know shame on Steph and I for not doing it sooner!!! They had so much fun together! It was also the first time either of them played with a boy their age. They both have all girl cousins so we were all excited to see how well they played together.

Tanner shares Brody's love of Yo Gabba Gabba so that was a plus! ;)

My cousin Brett bought this little hockey set for Brody for Christmas and this was the first time he got to use it with a buddy, I anticipate more of this in the future!! It was, unfortunately, short lived because we were afraid there would be some slashing and high sticking! Ha ha!

Little "Billy" Crockers cookin' up a storm!

There was a lot of sharing...

and not sharing...

but, overall it was a really fun day for the boys and their moms too!! We are planning on having many more from here on out!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Ahh, the life!

Brody and I just got back from visiting Brandon in Shawville, where is working for the next 6 weeks. There is not really anything to do there, but we just enjoyed spending time with Daddy. While he was at work I figured I could take Brody down to the indoor pool they had in the hotel, except when we got down there and felt the water we decided not to!! Luckily, Brandon got a nice big room equipped with a hot tub!!!! So this is where Brody spent most of his day! He LOVED it and I loved it too come nap time (he slept better than ever!) Here are a few of the pictures I took of him in it.

Blowing bubbles!

His new thing every time you take his picture is to say "Cheeeeessse....Awwww!" I guess that's because we all say that after we take pictures of him!

This is his "funny face", my dad taught him this. If you pull his ear, his tongue pops out and he tries to do it to everyone else too.

This is usually what happened when I took him out of the hot tub mostly because he didn't want to get dressed!
Overall we had a really nice time. Brody was an angel the whole time and it was really very relaxing for me too and of course Brandon loved having us up there with him! I think we'll do it again sometime soon! ;)

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Think he watches this enough???

I thought I'd share this video with all of you. I get to see/hear it live at least 10 times a day, but it still cracks me up every time!! Enjoy! :)

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

One of those days...

Ugh...what a day! Brody was so defiant and just plain old bad today!!! I honestly wanted to rip my hair out! I really can't blame him though, he probably has cabin fever. It has been snowing like crazy for days and to top it off freezing cold so we can't even go play in the snow! Brandon is out of town and I think Brody is missing him too. :( Hopefully tomorrow is a better day! And yes, this is my cat! Crazy, huh?

Friday, January 1, 2010

Another tradition

I guess this is a gift highlight of sort. Every year my mom buys all of the guys and all of the girls matching pjs to wear Christmas Eve night after we get home from my Grandmas. My mom and I didn't get our picture taken but here are our boys. Hahaha, I can't refrain from laughing when I see this photo. My mom first bought the shirts and just plain pants but a few days later she and I were shopping and stumbled upon these pants and couldn't resist! We couldn't find pants for Brody but at the last minute she was able to find Grinch jammies for him which worked out perfectly! We were actually pretty surprised by their reactions, they all loved them! Zach and Brandon said they would just cut off the little jingle bells on the bottom of their shorts and wear them again (yes, there were jingle bells on them haha) and my dad wore his pants all Christmas day too!!! So this is yet another Christmas gift and tradition that I just adore, can you blame me?!