Tuesday, January 5, 2010

One of those days...

Ugh...what a day! Brody was so defiant and just plain old bad today!!! I honestly wanted to rip my hair out! I really can't blame him though, he probably has cabin fever. It has been snowing like crazy for days and to top it off freezing cold so we can't even go play in the snow! Brandon is out of town and I think Brody is missing him too. :( Hopefully tomorrow is a better day! And yes, this is my cat! Crazy, huh?


  1. Funny picture of the cat! And I'm so with you on "those" days - I think they're also at that age of testing us and defiance. Hang in there. When I'm having a rough day with the girls I 1)make sure I find a few moments to myself to breath and 2) I try to do something totally new with them - like build a fort or fill a box with those packaging foam peanuts for them to use like a sandbox. Love you, s

  2. That's a funny photo of the cat:) When you have a day like you had, bedtime can't come soon enough! Love you, Nana

  3. YOur Cat Rocks! another shot for a cat Calendar!
