Thursday, June 25, 2009

Getting back to "normal"...

Yesterday we had Brody's follow up appointment with the plastic surgeon at Children's. We got good news, thank God! They said everything was looking good, aside from the swelling, and the inside of his mouth was healing well too! They gave us the ok to start feeding him whatever he wanted which was such a relief to us and I'm sure to Brody as well, those syringe feedings just broke our hearts. He is also allowed to drink from sippy cups again so the whole way home he clung to his cup even in his sleep! The best news was that we didn't have to clean his wounds as much. That was torture to him and to us and we had to do it 4 times a day!
We are slowly weening him from his pain medication so that is making him less groggy and so much more like the "old Brod"! He is playing again and getting into everything! We are both nervous wrecks now following him around like 2 psycho parents, if I could put him in a bubble right now, trust me, I would!!! But, for now I'll just thank the good Lord that he is recovering and getting back to "normal". Thanks again to you all for your continued prayers and support, it makes us feel so loved. We love you all!


  1. That is fantastic news! I am so glad everything is going so well. He will be back to "normal' in no time. I chuckled a little about the sippy cup. Did you have any luck finally getting it away from him at the end of the day? Anyway I will continue to pray for you guys, but am very glad to hear how much he is improving daily and it makes me happy that it is getting a little easier on you both as well. What fun would a plastic bubble be anyway? :)

  2. Thank the Lord! You all have been on my mind and in my hear this week. It's ok to be a bit psycho with your kids once in a while. We had a medical scare with Marra last year in May and I am still a bit psycho. All the nurses at our Dr. office know us by name.
    Stay strong girl!

  3. i like this picture....hannah always liked her farm, too.....i'm so glad he is getting back to being sure didn't take long!!!! can you believe it hasn't even een a week?

  4. What a fantastic recovery that Brody has going on! I want to reach right through the computer screen to hug him and both of you. We love you so much!

  5. I was thinking the same thing as Holly....its only been a week and how fast he's recovering! That makes me so happy for him and you and bran! We still pray everyday for you all!

  6. I just love seeing these pictures of Brody playing! I'm so glad he's getting back to his happy self! He has the best personality! Kisses and hugs from Stephanie and Tanner!
