Friday, June 26, 2009

Havin' a ball(oon)!

Brody's good friend Hannah brought these balloons over for him the other day. He loves carrying them all around the house with him! Its the simple things I guess! ;)


  1. Sorry, I haven't had computer access for awhile. Just a note to tell you that I'm thinking about you every day. I'll write you a longer email soon - but, in the meantime, while you're holding that sweet boy tonight, please tell him that his Tennessee family loves him so much. In reflecting Nana's sentiments, I want to reach through the computer to hold him. Getting teary...more later. Love you guys.

  2. That was very sweet of Hannah. Looks like he is having a great time with them. Glad to see he is doing so well.

  3. It is truly amazing...the power of prayer!

  4. hannah will be so happy.....those balloons better keep their helium til she sees him again....she's looking forward to playing with him and them :)

  5. This warmed my heart. I'm so happy that he is doing so well. You all have been in my thoughts and prayers. There is not a day that goes by that I don't think of you guys somehow. My gram also wanted me to tell you that you're in her prayers as well.

  6. So happy that he's playing and doing all the things Brod does. God is good....everyday all day!
