Sunday, June 28, 2009

"Max and Me"

"A dog has no use for fancy cars or big homes or designer clothes. Status symbol means nothing to him. A waterlogged stick will do just fine. A dog judges others not by their color or creed or class but by who they are inside. A dog doesn't care if you are rich or poor, educated or illiterate, clever or dull. Give him your heart and he will give you his. It was really quite simple, and yet we humans, so much wiser and more sophisticated, have always had trouble figuring out what really counts and what does not. As I wrote that farewell column to Marley, I realized it was all right there in front of us, if only we opened our eyes. Sometimes it took a dog with bad breath, worse manners, and pure intentions to help us see."

—John Grogan

"Marley and Me"

This picture cracks me up because it was probably about a week after we first brought Brody home and it about sums up the way we all felt!!!

Today our beloved dog Max was put to rest, he died peacefully in his "daddy's" arms. I always dreaded this day but never thought it would be this soon. Max was the best dog we've ever known for the entire 8 1/2 years that we had him, up until the end. He did a horrible thing but we are going to remember the good times with him. I will miss him every day I'm sure... just the little things. There is a void in our home right now, it's hard leaving the house and coming back not seeing him at the door wiggling his butt. He was my best friend.
What makes it even worse is that today is Brandon's birthday. :( What a strong man to be able to go through what Brandon went through tonight but, he didn't want Max to be alone. He took some double cheeseburgers to him (his favorites) and played with him for an hour before, so at least he died happy. I only wish I could've been strong enough, just to have been able to say goodbye.
We are at peace with our decision and truly in our hearts believe that he was sick anyway and that we made the right decision. This has been the hardest couple of weeks we've ever had and we hope that time will heal our hearts.

Rest in peace Pig, we love you!


  1. Lori, This was such a beautiful tribute to Max. Tears our streaming down my cheeks. I'm so sorry for your loss. Love, Steph

  2. Lori..I am so sorry about this whole mess...I am sitting here crying for you and for Max..I can't even imagine how much pain you are all experiencing. A dog is so much more then just a "dog." What you wrote about him was beautiful. A very good friend of mine had to do the same thing just a few weeks ago because of the same sad. I can't imagine my life without my dog, but I know that in my heart I would have to do the same thing if I was in your shoes. I'm so sorry for your loss.. -Amanda Berk

  3. Oh my am I crying after reading that. Lori, I can't even imagine what you guys are going through. Max was an amazing dog and I will always remember the crazy pup who ran suicides through your house when we would chant for him. He is in doggy Heaven with his cousin Brain. It's so sad but have faith that he is at peace. I hope you guys are ok and that Brody is getting better. If you need anything let me know. Love you all. Courtney

  4. Well....I finally looked at your website and of course the tears are flowing!!! The pictures are precious and I hope one day you will look back on them with fond memories.

    "Do not be afraid;only believe." Mark 5:36

    Love you all!! Aunt Vicki

  5. Lori I'm sorry for your loss. I'm a dog lover also and I can't imagine what ahard decision that was. They are a part of the family as much as ne one else. You are strong and remember he always will love you guys and he's at peace now.

  6. Awe...i'm just now reading this..and just like everyone else...the tears wont stop! What a great 8 1/2 years you had with Max! He was such a great member of the family and will always be missed but its so great you an remember all the GREAT times!
    We love you all!!!
