Monday, June 22, 2009


No pictures today, just some updates. We got home last night and that seemed to lift Brody's spirits some. Everyday he looks better and better, just groggy from the pain meds. Today he gave high-fives and even did "heee shoots and scores"!, which made me have another little breakdown but this time a happy one. We are taking him Wednesday for his follow up with the plastic surgeon and hopefully by then all of the stitches will be out.
Brandon has been amazing through this whole ordeal. He is doing everything from washing Brody's face and putting the ointment on to giving meds and even the syringe feedings. It kills me to even have to hold Brody and watch all of these things so I am grateful that I have such a wonderful husband!
It is a tough road but with all of the prayers and support, we have faith that everything is going to be okay. Just keep the prayers coming!


  1. you do have one hell of a husband!!!! sometimes it takes a tragedy to kinda see what a person is made of....he is made of EVERYTHING that you could want!!!! and you're a tough cookie, too!!!! every day is a new, better day! Love you guys!

  2. I am happy that you have such a great husband. And if you are going to have a breakdown happy ones are the best to have. Lori, Brody is lucky to have such terrific parents. Brody knows how much he is loved and I am sure he is just happy to be home with his mommy and daddy instead of seeing doctors that he didn't know. I wish you all the luck at the plastic surgeon appointment and I am continuously praying for you guys.
