Tuesday, June 16, 2009

It sure ain't the Bahamas...

Today we decided to take Brody to Yellow Creek State Park. It's the closest thing to a beach that we have around here. I know, depressing!! :) It was a nice warm day and we had a good time.

Align Center

Brody enjoyed a PB & J. It was the first time he'd ever had it like this, usually I cut it up into little bites for him so, it was exciting to see what he would do. He ate it like an old pro!

I didn't know how he would react to the "sand". It's a little rough and filled with rocks. He loved it though and of course had to taste each rock that he found!

I was totally amazed at how he reacted to the water. Although he loves bath time, he is not much into other forms of water (pools, oceans). He went right in with Daddy and splashed around, despite the cold water!

We love having Daddy home with us. Not only does it give me a little break every now and then, but Brody adores him. They are BFF's!! :)

He took a little spill face first into the water...poor guy! We are putting him in swim classes next month so hopefully we don't get this reaction when he goes under!

Little social butterfly decided to go say hello to some sunbathers in his diaper!! No shame!!


  1. Ahh, I'm so jealous that Brando is home to play with you guys - although I know you pay for it with travel and his crazy schedule most other times. Love the diaper shot...and that flirty smile. He's growing up too fast! xoxo

  2. well.....yellow creek is quite a beach if you ask me....i love the picture of him in his diaper....it looks like his little legs have cellulite!!! i want to kiss them!

  3. haha...i know i thought the same thing!

  4. Who's that HOT amish guy????
