Monday, August 31, 2009

The Horse Whisperer

Yesterdays fair trip was fun for the kids, but also for the adults, as you can see here...

Let me start by saying that Brandon didn't even want to go see these horses. We had already been through all of the other animals and I guess he figured 'if you've seen one you've seen 'em all.' Not the case after all huh Bran?

This particular horse was in love with my husband. I think Brandon was awfully fond of her too! They were lovin' each other up, it was quite a sight to see let me tell you!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

"Supervised" date ;)

Tonight we met up with my girlfriend Bethany and her daughter Makyla and her mom, Andrea (Zuzu), at the fair. We laughed and said it was a supervised date! Brody and Makyla were betrothed since before they were even born!!! They are 2 weeks apart and are so cute together! This past year Bethany lived in New Orleans and has just recently moved to Harrisburg so now we can see them more and I am so excited! I think Brody is too!

Their transportation for the evening.

Brody is always smothering her. I just love the look on her face here!

"Come on honey, I'll buy ya a funnel cake!"

They shared their first funnel cake together, it was so cute...and messy!

"Until we meet again..."

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

When it rains it pours...

As I've said before, this summer has been the worst in my life for obvious reasons, and its not slowing down. My mom was just diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer. She has a small mass on her lung and it has also appeared on her brain. Ugh...that was tough to have to write out.

The spot on her brain is small and in a good enough spot that they want to go in a remove it. The surgeons wanted to do it already this Friday but, my mom just decided that she would like to put it off for at least a couple days so she can go home and digest all of this.

She has been in the hospital (UPMC Presby in Pgh) since Sunday night and it has been one test after another, as you can imagine, and she hasn't had a good meal, good rest or peace since then. We are going to explore her options but know the surgery is inevitable.

My dad said to her last night that he thinks we should get a second opinion and my mom's response was "if it's God's will then He's going to take me whether I have the best or worst doctors." I don't think it is His will to take her, not yet, not my mom...too many people love and need her...I love and need her!

It has been a roller coaster of emotions thus far and I anticipate more of that in our future, but I have faith that she will beat this. I keep saying to people that cancer picked the wrong person to mess with when it picked my mom!

Please keep her in your prayers, we need all we can get!!!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Ocean City, here we come!!!!

This Saturday, we will be leaving for the beach!! Needless to say, we cannot wait! We are hoping that this trip will be a good ending to a pretty bad summer. I am looking forward to laying in the sun, making sandcastles with Brody, reading, good seafood, good times and just enjoying time with family.

Here is what I have packed so far. That is one thing people don't tell you when you have a child...what a pain it is to pack to go away! Hope I got it all!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Poppin' his collar!

Saturday evening we went to Benjamin's for dinner with a good friend. As always the food and atmosphere were wonderful. We had a pretty long wait and it took a little longer than usual for our food to come out. Brody was so good to our amazement! We had a couple people even comment on how good he was, my usual response is "take him home for a little and you'll bring him right back!" Haha!

He looked so handsome with his collar popped, haha, it started out as a joke but he got so many compliments on how cool he looked we just left it. I ended up liking it myself!!! :)

Friday, August 7, 2009

Daddy's little helper...

So as I've said before, Brandon is Brody's BFF. Often times Brody will imitate his dad by laughing the way he does or lean up against the couch like Brandon... little things like that. Today he was getting, let's say a little beyond his years by helping daddy load up the fridge. One may think I meant they were putting the milk or butter away, but not this father and son. Take a look...

One by one, he unloaded this case of beer and handed them each to Brandon! Brandon was very proud and I have to say, it was pretty darn cute! ;)

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

It's that time of year again!

It's Steeler football time! Woo hoo! Training camp started yesterday so, Zach and I decided to take Brody today (Brandon had to work). We had fun, well kinda, there's always so many people and it was extremely hot today. We got to see all 6 Super Bowl trophies which was pretty awesome and we saw all of the players up close!

The players will sign autographs if they have time. We were standing right where they come up after conditioning and #23 Tyrone Carter grabbed this ball out of Brody's mouth, haha, and signed it! It was the only one he got but we weren't going to fight with all of the crazies that were getting autographs!

I love this picture. For those of you that don't know, Zach had a very bright and promising football career at one time but, he tore his ACL twice and that was the end of that, unfortunately! We know that one day he will make an awesome coach and will certainly be Brody's personal coach I'm sure!!!

"Go long Uncle Zach!"

My little QB, we always joke and say that Brody Wilson sounds like a quarterback name, let's hope he's a good one! ;)

We almost got Polamalu's autograph, Zach spotted him with no one around and by the time I got that darn stroller strap unlocked he was in a swarm of fans!

I think this uniform looks pretty good on him! :)

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Tunnel Vision

We bought Brody this tunnel about a month or so ago and he could've cared less about it! Now all of the sudden he LOVES it! When he wants to play with it, he drags it out to us so we can open it up and get it out for him.