Friday, August 7, 2009

Daddy's little helper...

So as I've said before, Brandon is Brody's BFF. Often times Brody will imitate his dad by laughing the way he does or lean up against the couch like Brandon... little things like that. Today he was getting, let's say a little beyond his years by helping daddy load up the fridge. One may think I meant they were putting the milk or butter away, but not this father and son. Take a look...

One by one, he unloaded this case of beer and handed them each to Brandon! Brandon was very proud and I have to say, it was pretty darn cute! ;)


  1. That is totally adorable!


  2. That's our boys--there's nothing quite like teamwork to get the job done! Gotta love them!

  3. i don't see none of that there fancy water in there......hhahhahahahhahaaha

  4. well beer is priority my dear...hahaha, the fancy water came next!

  5. Oh so funny! Kerry is going to be so jealous! I think Tanner would have tried to keep all the beers for himself, haha! Love, Steph
