Monday, August 31, 2009

The Horse Whisperer

Yesterdays fair trip was fun for the kids, but also for the adults, as you can see here...

Let me start by saying that Brandon didn't even want to go see these horses. We had already been through all of the other animals and I guess he figured 'if you've seen one you've seen 'em all.' Not the case after all huh Bran?

This particular horse was in love with my husband. I think Brandon was awfully fond of her too! They were lovin' each other up, it was quite a sight to see let me tell you!


  1. Oh wow that is too funny! I especially love the matching faces :)


  2. LMAO! OMG..these are so funny! That horse LOVED Bran! I thought for sure he was gonna get a little nibble hahaha!

  3. This entry made our mornings. Brent, Marielle, and I were laughing and smiling from ear to ear.
    Marielle says "I want to ride Uncle Brandon's horsey!"
    Lots of love,

  4. Oh my god that is the funniest thing I've ever seen! HaHa!!!!! Only Brandon would be making out with a horse at the Indiana County Fair, haha! Love, Steph

  5. this is ridiculous.....plain and simple.

