Tuesday, August 4, 2009

It's that time of year again!

It's Steeler football time! Woo hoo! Training camp started yesterday so, Zach and I decided to take Brody today (Brandon had to work). We had fun, well kinda, there's always so many people and it was extremely hot today. We got to see all 6 Super Bowl trophies which was pretty awesome and we saw all of the players up close!

The players will sign autographs if they have time. We were standing right where they come up after conditioning and #23 Tyrone Carter grabbed this ball out of Brody's mouth, haha, and signed it! It was the only one he got but we weren't going to fight with all of the crazies that were getting autographs!

I love this picture. For those of you that don't know, Zach had a very bright and promising football career at one time but, he tore his ACL twice and that was the end of that, unfortunately! We know that one day he will make an awesome coach and will certainly be Brody's personal coach I'm sure!!!

"Go long Uncle Zach!"

My little QB, we always joke and say that Brody Wilson sounds like a quarterback name, let's hope he's a good one! ;)

We almost got Polamalu's autograph, Zach spotted him with no one around and by the time I got that darn stroller strap unlocked he was in a swarm of fans!

I think this uniform looks pretty good on him! :)


  1. Sounds like an awesome day! You got us pumped and ready for Steeler Season! He looks so cute in his #43 Jersey. I love the last shot!
    XO Marielle

  2. correction...it was the 4th day of training camp. also, you can look on www.wpxi.com and look at training camp pics, there is one they took of brody and zach! its a really cute picture!

  3. Just looked at the pic, so cute! You always take Brody to the best places and get the best pics! Love, Steph

  4. I know Uncle Zach had a good time spending the day with you. He was a bit nervous thinking Brod would get run over by the large crowd. The pic of him and Brod looks like a commercial. Uncle Zach will be his trainer for sure and his biggest fan!
    Love ya,

  5. That is my little fan! Uncle Brett loves those pics!
