Wednesday, August 26, 2009

When it rains it pours...

As I've said before, this summer has been the worst in my life for obvious reasons, and its not slowing down. My mom was just diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer. She has a small mass on her lung and it has also appeared on her brain. Ugh...that was tough to have to write out.

The spot on her brain is small and in a good enough spot that they want to go in a remove it. The surgeons wanted to do it already this Friday but, my mom just decided that she would like to put it off for at least a couple days so she can go home and digest all of this.

She has been in the hospital (UPMC Presby in Pgh) since Sunday night and it has been one test after another, as you can imagine, and she hasn't had a good meal, good rest or peace since then. We are going to explore her options but know the surgery is inevitable.

My dad said to her last night that he thinks we should get a second opinion and my mom's response was "if it's God's will then He's going to take me whether I have the best or worst doctors." I don't think it is His will to take her, not yet, not my mom...too many people love and need her...I love and need her!

It has been a roller coaster of emotions thus far and I anticipate more of that in our future, but I have faith that she will beat this. I keep saying to people that cancer picked the wrong person to mess with when it picked my mom!

Please keep her in your prayers, we need all we can get!!!


  1. Lori,
    My dad just went through cancer with non-hodgkins lymphoma. Cancer is a scary word, but they have so many advancements and UPMC is the absolute cutting edge of research and treatments. It always alot when you hear the word cancer. But your mom is a figher and has so much to live for, she will kick this and be 100's times stronger for having done it. Its not an easy road for sure. But after many months of chemo, and a stem cell transplant, my dad is 100% cancer free. Listen to what the dr.'s say and be strong for her and your dad. Its not always easy on the other person either. Your mom will fight through it and beat it!

    Lisa S.

  2. I will be praying for your mother and the rest of your family. UPMC is a very good hospital and I am sure your mom will be in great hands. Keep the faith that she will beat this! Stay positive for her because that is what she needs now more than ever. Positivity and all the love you can give.


  3. I am so sorry to read this, Lori. I will be praying for your mom and your family. I can't imagine having to go through all of this but God has a plan keep trusting in Him.


  4. Oh Lori~
    I am so sorry to hear this. I know words cannot express what you are going through right now, however please know that I am thinking and praying for you and your family. Positive thoughts and reinforcement go further than you think. If your mother is anything like you, she is a stong woman. Please keep us posted. I know that I am far away...but if you need anything OR just need to talk...please call or let me know.


  5. Wow Lori..You guys have really been through the ringer this summer. I am so sorry to hear about your mom. If she is as tough as you say she is she will be able to fight this no problem. God will not only provide the healing that she needs, but he will also provide the comfort that you all need as you digest all of this information. I am praying for your family through all of this. Let me know if you need anything. Amanda

  6. Sending love and hugs to all of you.
    You are in our prayers.
    Brent, Rosemary, and Marielle

  7. Lori, my heart goes out to you. I know how hard it is to go through something like this because we've gone through so much with my mom the past couple of years. The only thing you can do is pray and try to stay positive. We thought we were going to lose my mom but she fought it and is doing great now. I'm sure your mom will fight this too because she has so much to fight for! I can't believe how much you and your family has had to go through this year. Your mom and your whole family will be in our thoughts and prayers. Love you guys, Steph

  8. Lori and Brando, we think about you all day long and are hoping for the best. You all have been through some tough stuff these past few months and have shown what a strong family you have up there. We wish we could be closer at times like these. Love you lots - Brad, Sarah and the girls

  9. Lori and Brandon--We are praying like mad for your mom and everyone else in your family. Your mom is a wonderful, strong woman with a positive attitude which is so important right now. Anything is possible with God's help, and I'm sure he's on the front line. Love you all, Nana & Pops

  10. love to your family.....

    love to your mom.....

    and trust that everything will be okay.
