Thursday, December 10, 2009

Best gift so far...

So my mom had a MRI today of her brain and we got wonderful news...CANCER FREE!!!! We are so thrilled and are hoping for the same news when she gets the scan of her lung in a few weeks. She finished her chemo treatments 2 weeks ago and had her last radiation treatment last Monday. That in itself was a big weight lifted for her and for me, I hated seeing her go through all of that even though she was such a trooper! (this picture was taken on Thanksgiving...would you think she just had chemo and radiation???) What a wonderful Christmas gift, but the best one ever would be to have a completely cancer free Mama! God has blessed us so far so hopefully the blessings will continue! Keep your prayers comin'!
And yet again...God is GOOD!!!!


  1. WHOO HOO! So happy for your mom, you, and your family. We will definitely continue to keep all of you in our prayers.
    Much love,
    Brent, Rosemary and Marielle

  2. That's fantastic news! We will surely keep the prayers coming her way. Love, Nana & Pops

  3. That is fantastic new. I'll be praying for postive results for her lung scan. That is a wonderful Christmas gift. Oh and NO way would you be able to tell that she had just chemo/radiation in that picture. She looks fantastic!

  4. Amazing. Give her lots of us & kisses from us and enjoy the palpable magic of the season with your family! xoxo

  5. God is good, all the time, everyday. There is no doubt it was all of the prayers and the love of my family and my beautiful grandson who made my grey! Love to all, and it truly will be a Merry Christmas! Love,
    Mom Mimi

  6. Lori~
    What wonderful news!!!!! I am so happy for you all. I am praying for a healthy new year for your mom and your family!!

    I hope you had a wondeful holiday!

    Kimberly Cain
