Thursday, December 31, 2009

Dress Up

I'm going to try to highlight a couple of our favorite Christmas gifts in the next few blogs and the first are the cute dress up things that Brody got.

Here's one of the funniest and cutest gifts he got. Aunt Vicki bought him real cowboy boots and a real hat. It was hysterical watching him try to walk around in the boots! We are still laughing about it! I'm sure as he grows up, he is gonna want to dress up like a cowboy all of the time!

Here's our little "biker baby" costume. My parents bought him a motorcycle so of course he had to have the matching attire! Now he and Poppy will match!

Last, but not least in his eyes, is the DJ Lance hat and glasses from Yo Gabba Gabba! He looks so cute in it. It also sings songs from the show which of course he loves!

We want to thank all of our friends and family for making this Christmas so wonderful, what a nice way to end a pretty crappy year. Here's to 2010 bringing us all health and happiness, love to you all! xoxo!


  1. I absolutely love his little outfits. I bet he will look sweet riding his little motorcycle :) Glad you guys had a nice Christmas. How is your mom doing?

  2. All of the outfits were just sooooo funny! The funny thing is, he liked them all! I think of these pictures often, makes me smile. Mom is doing ok, thanks for your love and concern. Happy and Healthy New Year to all!!!!

  3. They were all good, but the Yo Gabba gabba takes the cake. Cant wait to get our own personal show from Yo Gabba Bro Bro!
    love Uncle Brent

  4. Grace and I agree with Uncle Brent - the DJ Lance outfit rocks!!

  5. looking good you need to be in a magizine with that on.
    Joanne Elizabeth Wood/JoJo
