Monday, December 14, 2009

Reading is fun for everyone, literally!

Brody loves being read to! He could sit and listen to books for hours and not just books geared toward his age either, any book will do! I often get tired of reading him book after book, but how can I really complain about that?! The other night I was reading a favorite of ours, Merry Christmas Big, Hungry Bear, and Kiki jumped up to hear the story too! Brandon quickly ran to get the camera because this was definitely a Kodak moment!!! So, not only are we instilling the love of reading into our son, but into our cats as well!!


  1. oh and please ignore how lovely i look! haha!

  2. I can definitely believe that Brody is "that" interested in the story, but the look on Kiki's face is priceless! Way to go mom! Love you, Nana

  3. Wow how cute is that! I have to agree that is a total Kodak moment! Broday is so cute! I can't believe the kitty is just sitting there. lol
