Thursday, July 30, 2009

Our morning routine

Ever since the "accident", Brody has been waking up in the middle of the night, it could be the teeth he has coming in too. Anyways, Brandon and I kind of have an unspoken deal going on where I deal with Brody throughout the night and he wakes up with him in the morning. It has been working out perfectly because this way Brandon gets to have a little bonding time before work and I get to sleep in a bit! ;) So every night Brandon lays his gym shorts and a t-shirt in his closet that way he can just throw them on when he wakes up.

This morning Brody thought he'd help speed up the process and get Daddy's clothes for him! I was coming out of the bathroom when I spotted my little man carrying these huge clothes in for his Daddy, obviously I ran to get my camera because this moment was too cute to pass up!

There he is passing the clothes off...
He must have been really excited for Daddy's breakfast!!!! :)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Pick me a winner Brod!

Recently Brody "picked" up a new habit, if you will. He is constantly shoving his finger up his nose. He's not picking just shoving it up his nostrils! He cracks up when we tell him to stop and just shoves his finger up the other nostril. I don't get it!

There's one...

now the other one!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Can you tell me how to get, how to get to Sesame Place...

This past weekend we had my cousin's graduation party in Philly. They live right next to Sesame Place so, my mom, who has literally bought Brody something every single day since the accident (like he wasn't already spoiled)...bought tickets for us all to go! ;) It was a nice park, they have little rides, shows and even a water park! Our tickets were good for 2 days, so here are some of the pictures from our first day. I didn't take any the second day because we did the water park. Overall, we had a really nice time and a great weekend! Thanks Mimi and Poppy!

Brody was so good the whole 4.5 hours it took to get there!

Check out those kicks!!!

It was really cute there, very small child friendly. As you can tell Brody was able to ride pretty much all of the rides there!

My face says it all in this one!! I truly was more terrified than my 14 month old son!! This ride was similar to the Pit Fall at Kennywood for those of you familiar, it only dropped about 3 stories though. You can't really tell but if you look closely, Brody is grinning from ear to ear!!!

My son, the ladies man!

I wasn't sure how he'd be with the characters, I honestly thought that he would love them...not the exact case. When we first saw Elmo, he was intrigued but, once we got closer and Elmo reached out to touch him, Brody tried to punch him haha!!!! So we had to get our pictures taken with all of the characters for the rest of the day, for their sake!

They had cute little shows there too. He really liked Elmo's World.

Elmo's prints!!!!

My mom also made reservations for dinner with the characters. It was really nice, all of the characters were there and made their way around to everyone's table!

Brody certainly enjoyed his day, don't ya think?! ;)

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Shake it off...

Remember when I said I'd put Brody in a bubble if I could, well does anyone know where I can purchase one??? This kid is a walking boo boo, I swear! You could probably find a cut, brush burn or bruise on every part of him right now. Earlier today we were watching Yo Gabba Gabba, Brody's favorite show, and they sang a song about shaking off your boo boos.

I think they should make a song for the parents about shaking off their child's boo boos!! UGH!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

"Take me out to the ballgame..."

Since it was a nice night we got the stroller out and took a walk to the little league fields. We were in luck because there was actually a couple of games going on. Brandon tried to get Brody to take in some of the game but he just wanted to run around.
I did manage to get these two photos, not the best but they'll have to do!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Prince's new throne...

This is Brody's new "perch". He sits on the step nonstop all day long! He'll start out about a foot away from the step and back up until he hits and then plops his butt down.

He is quite comfy sitting there, sometimes he plays and snacks on it too. It is so funny!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Mini Me!

I was looking through some old pictures the other day and came across this photo of myself at around the same age as Brody now. It's one of the only baby pictures I have been able to compare...MOM!!! Anyway, at first I thought it was Brody, especially since lately I have been getting this similar look from him all of the time!! Really the only thing that looks different is the hair color...and the fact that I am wearing a necklace! Thought I'd share! :)

Thursday, July 16, 2009

"You are my Sunshine"

My mom and dad stopped by today to watch Brody enjoy some outside time and some sunshine!! He certainly lights up their lives!!

He's playing with a cell phone, his favorite thing to do when Mimi visits!

Brody showing his Poppy some birds flying by.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

My little Scholar

So today I was upstairs cleaning the bathroom and I just let Brody run around up here while doing so. He was being awfully quiet so I decided to go see what my curious little monkey was up to...

I found him in the office/playroom (ha!) sitting quietly with a thesaurus!

It seemed as though he was on a mission to find the words he was looking for. When I got a better look at what he did indeed find I didn't know if I should laugh or be afraid. He was intently looking at the words Anarchy and Authority!!!!

Monday, July 13, 2009

"Easy like a Sunday morning" well, more like afternoon...

Yesterday we celebrated Brandon's mom, Nana's birthday at Uncle Brent, Aunt Rosemary and Marielle's house. We had a fabulous day, great food and beautiful weather. The kids enjoyed each other's company of course and us adults did as well. As usual there was an abundance of pictures taken so bear with me as I share some. Thanks guys for an awesome Sunday!


This is what happens when all of your cousins are girls, haha!!!

Don't show my dad! ;)

Queen for the day, with her prince and one of her princesses

Aunt Helen brought Brody and Marielle crowns, very fitting for these two!

Nana blowing out her candles on the delicious cake Aunt Rosemary made.

This just cracked me up...Marielle and Brody were painting with water paints. They ran out of water and Aunt Rose went to get them more upstairs. Well, Marielle got tired of waiting and decided to take it upon herself to unscrew the cap off this bottle of water and use that!!! Very inventive!!! :)

Enjoyin' some water play!

I think these are 2 signs of a good day, don't you?

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Playin' it safe...

Yesterday, we decided that Brody needed another pet so, we bought...

Meet Jackie and Bruce.
(Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee, the are Bettas-Siamese fighting fish) ;)

I think that'll work just fine for now!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Lions, Tigers and Doctors...OH MY!!

Today Brody had his 2nd follow-up appointment at Children's. They thought he looked pretty good for it only being 3 weeks since the accident. There were a couple of stitches just lingering around so they had to pull them out, which Brody did not like! Poor guy, I don't blame him! They said we can start massaging and putting creams on his scars now too, this will hopefully help diminish any scarring. We were told that they won't need to see him again for 2 months! Woo Hoo, that was good news for us! So we decided to take Brody to the zoo to celebrate!

No, this is not us!!! ;)

It's hard to see but, there is a big beautiful lion in the background. Brody kept waving to him. :)

A couple of weeks ago Brody received a letter in the mail stating that a gorilla was adopted in his name at the zoo. While this was a very nice gift, we have no idea who did this for him! Hopefully we'll soon find out. favorite exhibit, can you tell why?! I thought the flag was an awesome touch!

Spotting the polar bears! He kept saying his favorite phrase these days, "what is that?" For those of you who don't know this, I used to say the same thing the same way, apparently, when I was his age.

They have a new shark exhibit at the zoo. Brody thought they were so funny for some reason. Every time one would swim by with those sharp teeth, he'd crack up!!!

I couldn't help but to think of a certain movie at this moment...

Here is a first look for some of you of my precious little boy. The doctor gave us a special kind of tape to help with scarring so it is covering up most of the bad areas but, we think he looks amazing for what he went through!