Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Prince's new throne...

This is Brody's new "perch". He sits on the step nonstop all day long! He'll start out about a foot away from the step and back up until he hits and then plops his butt down.

He is quite comfy sitting there, sometimes he plays and snacks on it too. It is so funny!


  1. well, since his mommy has a perch, it's only fitting that Man would have one....hahhaha

  2. I swear I knew you were going to say that!!!

  3. Tanner always does that walking backwards thing too! He usually backs up and sits on my lap or tries to sit on one of the dogs. What a cutie! Does him sitting there chillin give you time to get something done? Love, Steph

  4. Oh my goodness that is cute! He's king of the castle.
