Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Lions, Tigers and Doctors...OH MY!!

Today Brody had his 2nd follow-up appointment at Children's. They thought he looked pretty good for it only being 3 weeks since the accident. There were a couple of stitches just lingering around so they had to pull them out, which Brody did not like! Poor guy, I don't blame him! They said we can start massaging and putting creams on his scars now too, this will hopefully help diminish any scarring. We were told that they won't need to see him again for 2 months! Woo Hoo, that was good news for us! So we decided to take Brody to the zoo to celebrate!

No, this is not us!!! ;)

It's hard to see but, there is a big beautiful lion in the background. Brody kept waving to him. :)

A couple of weeks ago Brody received a letter in the mail stating that a gorilla was adopted in his name at the zoo. While this was a very nice gift, we have no idea who did this for him! Hopefully we'll soon find out. favorite exhibit, can you tell why?! I thought the flag was an awesome touch!

Spotting the polar bears! He kept saying his favorite phrase these days, "what is that?" For those of you who don't know this, I used to say the same thing the same way, apparently, when I was his age.

They have a new shark exhibit at the zoo. Brody thought they were so funny for some reason. Every time one would swim by with those sharp teeth, he'd crack up!!!

I couldn't help but to think of a certain movie at this moment...

Here is a first look for some of you of my precious little boy. The doctor gave us a special kind of tape to help with scarring so it is covering up most of the bad areas but, we think he looks amazing for what he went through!


  1. Looks as though all the Wilsons had a great day at the zoo! Brody looked as if he was really enjoying himself... it's good to see him happy once again. So pleased to hear you received another great report about Brody's progress from his doctor. Each new day is a better day!!! He already seems to be our "old" Brody.
    Bless all your hearts, Aunt Vic

  2. Way to go Brody! So glad you had a fun day at the zoo. We love you :) Nana & Pops

  3. he REALLY looks good.....i can't believe how quickly he's healing! and the massaging will probably be tough at first but he'll probably start to like it....

    how much buck would a gymbuck buck if a gymbuck could buck buck?

  4. I am so glad he had fun at the zoo. Looks like the animals were all out too! I love how he is pointing at the polar cute. He looks like he is healing well. Such a handsome little boy. Oh and I love the gymbucks Holly that made me laugh.

  5. I'm so glad to see he's doing better! warms my heart to see what a great mom you are, to handle everything that you have takes a very strong person! <3

    BTW...Penguins are my fav at the zoo too! ;) I can't wait to take Kelsi there this year!

  6. What is that? Oh my what a memory of another little person always saying that!!!! Glad you had a good time at the zoo! So glad to see our precious baby again, we missed him sooooo much!
    Love you all,
    Mimi and Poppy
