Thursday, July 30, 2009

Our morning routine

Ever since the "accident", Brody has been waking up in the middle of the night, it could be the teeth he has coming in too. Anyways, Brandon and I kind of have an unspoken deal going on where I deal with Brody throughout the night and he wakes up with him in the morning. It has been working out perfectly because this way Brandon gets to have a little bonding time before work and I get to sleep in a bit! ;) So every night Brandon lays his gym shorts and a t-shirt in his closet that way he can just throw them on when he wakes up.

This morning Brody thought he'd help speed up the process and get Daddy's clothes for him! I was coming out of the bathroom when I spotted my little man carrying these huge clothes in for his Daddy, obviously I ran to get my camera because this moment was too cute to pass up!

There he is passing the clothes off...
He must have been really excited for Daddy's breakfast!!!! :)


  1. oh my god..thats so freakin cute!!! It was so nice to see you all last night! We need many more play dates now that i'm closer!

    (i hope he starts sleeping though the night again! I guess the tylonol pm didnt work...need those earplugs!!!)

  2. oh wait..i see the sunflower in the corner..Bran didnt get you asparagus too?! lol just kidding bran!! the flowers you got mom were beautiful!!

  3. haha...actually those are fake but i thought the same thing!!! haha!!

  4. So funny! I bet Brody is keeping you laughing! Tanner has been doing something funny everyday! That is a nice arrangement that you have. I might have to set something up with Kerry like that. Tanner still wakes up through the night once too, usually. I don't know if its teeth or what but it stinks! Love, Steph
