Thursday, July 23, 2009

Shake it off...

Remember when I said I'd put Brody in a bubble if I could, well does anyone know where I can purchase one??? This kid is a walking boo boo, I swear! You could probably find a cut, brush burn or bruise on every part of him right now. Earlier today we were watching Yo Gabba Gabba, Brody's favorite show, and they sang a song about shaking off your boo boos.

I think they should make a song for the parents about shaking off their child's boo boos!! UGH!


  1. Get used to it kid....he'll have alot more!!!!
    He's a real tiger, tougher than you think.
    Just give him lots of kisses for his boo boos.
    Love and kisses,

  2. I think that is just part of being a boy! Aidan is the same exact way.


  3. Your not alone! Tanner has tons of scrapes and bruises too! He falls and just picks himself up again like it didn't even bother him. I thought he was running before, well he's really running now!W edefinitely have two tough guys though so try not to worry about him so much. Speaking of Yo Gabba Gabba though, Tanner loves it sooooo much!!!! My mom bought him the DVD from Walmart and he just watches it over and over again. i have the episode with Jack Black DVRed, its his favortie episode! We do Jack Blacks dancey dance together, the disco roll, haha! I think I have every episode memorized! Love, Steph

  4. He's a boy, Lor! He's gonna have a ton more..but i totally understand..i wish i had a bubble for makyla too..would make me feel so much better!!!
