Sunday, July 5, 2009

Happy 4th of July!

We spent the 4th in Pittsburgh this year. We just decided that it would be good to get out of the house for a while. So, we got a room and we swam and hung out at Uncle Brett's. Aunt Vicki and Uncle Mike served up some good food and company!
We watched the fireworks at a little park close by with Uncle Brett and Sarah. I was very anxious to see how Brody would react to them this year. He LOVED them! His eyes were as big as quarters the whole time. We had a great view and nice time, thanks Uncle Mike, Aunt Vicki, Brett and Sarah for everything!

My camera was dying so I didn't really get great shots but this one you can see how big his eyes were while watching!! You can also see a little bit of the poor guy's boo boos :( which are healing more and more everyday!

I actually do love this picture! Happy 4th! Hope everyone had a good one!


  1. hannah and i went over to the cemetary by ourselves this year and you shoulda heard her...every second she kept saying shewasn't scared this year of the noise cause she was getting so much bigger....but when they started she kinda had a passed though so i consider this year's fireworks a success!!!

  2. Sounds like a perfect fourth. Glad you guys got out and had a nice celebration. And thanks for sharing the sweet picture of Bro bro watching fireworks. Squeeze him for us, okay? xoxo

  3. The picture of Brody watching the fireworks is precious! I know he really lights up our lives!!! Brett said Brody enjoyed the fireworks and did not mind the loud noises...what a trooper! We all loved spending time with you...thanks for sharing your day with us. Give Brody a kiss and hug from all of us.
    Aunt Vicki, Uncle Mike, & Brett

  4. Glad to hear that Brody liked the fireworks! Tanner did too, I was a little afraid at first that he wouldn't like the loud noise but he didn't mind at all! He was a little tired though since they are so late so he just layed on my lap and watched them. I think that was the calmest he's been for a while, haha! Brody is looking great! Looks like the boo-boo's are really healing fast! Love, Steph

  5. I am glad that Brody had an awesome 4th. I absolutely love that picture. Such a sweet photo. You snapped it at the perfect time to get him watching the pretty firworks. He looks great and I am happy that he is healing so well.

  6. My sister just told me about Brody - so sorry for all you have had to go through. I am glad to see that he is doing well and healing so fast!

