Sunday, July 19, 2009

Mini Me!

I was looking through some old pictures the other day and came across this photo of myself at around the same age as Brody now. It's one of the only baby pictures I have been able to compare...MOM!!! Anyway, at first I thought it was Brody, especially since lately I have been getting this similar look from him all of the time!! Really the only thing that looks different is the hair color...and the fact that I am wearing a necklace! Thought I'd share! :)


  1. Its so funny, if you put Brandon's baby picture and your baby picture together it looks exacxtly like Brody. You and Brandon have the same head shape and hair, just like Brody's and I still think Brody has Brandon's mouth. Too cute! Love, Steph

  2. i personally think that brody looks a little bit like the man of lamantia......

    that's just my opinion and i'm entitled to it....hahhahahhahaha


  3. Wow! I saw the baby pic of Brandon and thought Brody looked a lot like him. Now seeing this I think he looks a lot like both of you!

  4. omg..ur right...he looks just like both of you, thats crazy! He got the best of both of you!!!
