Wednesday, July 15, 2009

My little Scholar

So today I was upstairs cleaning the bathroom and I just let Brody run around up here while doing so. He was being awfully quiet so I decided to go see what my curious little monkey was up to...

I found him in the office/playroom (ha!) sitting quietly with a thesaurus!

It seemed as though he was on a mission to find the words he was looking for. When I got a better look at what he did indeed find I didn't know if I should laugh or be afraid. He was intently looking at the words Anarchy and Authority!!!!


  1. Heh. This is one of the myriad reasons I think mommy blogs are so amazing - a classic story with great pictures, shared with everyone and now documented forever. Keep em' comin' sis. Smooch that little smarty pants/anarchist for me too. xo

  2. HaHa! HaHa! Love, Steph
