Monday, July 13, 2009

"Easy like a Sunday morning" well, more like afternoon...

Yesterday we celebrated Brandon's mom, Nana's birthday at Uncle Brent, Aunt Rosemary and Marielle's house. We had a fabulous day, great food and beautiful weather. The kids enjoyed each other's company of course and us adults did as well. As usual there was an abundance of pictures taken so bear with me as I share some. Thanks guys for an awesome Sunday!


This is what happens when all of your cousins are girls, haha!!!

Don't show my dad! ;)

Queen for the day, with her prince and one of her princesses

Aunt Helen brought Brody and Marielle crowns, very fitting for these two!

Nana blowing out her candles on the delicious cake Aunt Rosemary made.

This just cracked me up...Marielle and Brody were painting with water paints. They ran out of water and Aunt Rose went to get them more upstairs. Well, Marielle got tired of waiting and decided to take it upon herself to unscrew the cap off this bottle of water and use that!!! Very inventive!!! :)

Enjoyin' some water play!

I think these are 2 signs of a good day, don't you?


  1. Looks like the kids had a fabulous time!

  2. Awesome pictures. My favorite is the naked bum shot. And Brody and Marielle in crowns. And Brody with the doll house. Okay, I love them all. Hugs and kisses to all...Aunt Sarah

  3. Looks like they had a lot of fun! Reminds me of when I take Tanner to Brittany and Katie's to play with their toys, except Tanner is afraid of all their dolls and barbies, haha! I love the bum shot too! Love, Steph

  4. Loved all your pictures. The BUM shot is Awesome. We and Marielle had a fantastic time. Marielle said she would like Bro Bro to come EVERYDAY TO PLAY! Me too!... He is too cute.
    Lots of love, Aunt Rosemary

  5. I'm with Sarah....I love them all but the one of Brody playing with the girl toys is especially sweet!!!!

    Love him and Marielle (or as Hannah would say Mail-e-elle)
